UW MCHB is proud to support and bring you information about the independent teams competing around the Nation on behalf of the University of Washington School of Law. Below you will find just some of the competitions that UW Law has competed at (with recent team members) and some recent successes of our independent teams. This page is currently under development, and more information about the competitions and competitor success at these competitions will be updated soon. Information about independent team funding can be found here.
Recent Successes
2017 Bankruptcy LawMeet - UW Law Tied for First Place
Collin Glantz, Brandon Mahrt, and Zoe Wong represented UW Law at the 2017 American College of Bankruptcy LawMeet. This is the third year the American College of Bankruptcy has hosted the competition, and the first year that UW Law has attended. Many thanks to coach Ben Logan.
The Bankruptcy LawMeet was hosted by the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law and the Lowell Milken Institute for Business Law and Policy, and co-sponsored by LawMeets and the American College of Bankruptcy. The competition involved a Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceeding, with each team representing various parties to the bankruptcy proceeding (e.g., debtor, creditors) throughout the day and negotiating a feasible plan for the distressed company. The UW team submitted two term sheets and negotiated in two separate rounds against other schools from all over the country.
Collin Glantz, Brandon Mahrt, and Zoe Wong represented UW Law at the 2017 American College of Bankruptcy LawMeet. This is the third year the American College of Bankruptcy has hosted the competition, and the first year that UW Law has attended. Many thanks to coach Ben Logan.
The Bankruptcy LawMeet was hosted by the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law and the Lowell Milken Institute for Business Law and Policy, and co-sponsored by LawMeets and the American College of Bankruptcy. The competition involved a Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceeding, with each team representing various parties to the bankruptcy proceeding (e.g., debtor, creditors) throughout the day and negotiating a feasible plan for the distressed company. The UW team submitted two term sheets and negotiated in two separate rounds against other schools from all over the country.
Health Law MootRobby Franceschini
Miriam Swedlow |
Manfred Lachs International MootAndrew H. Fuller
Talia Grace Christopher Teeny |
International Air and Space Law Academy MootPatrick Moore
Kiran Jassal Desiree Phair |
ABA Representation in MediationChike Eze
Katherine Chung Marlana Kuper Sophia Amberson |
Transactional Law MeetJane Pryjmak
Beth St. Clair |
Latino Law Students Association MootTyler Quillin
Tadeu Velloso Omar Contreras |
National Cultural Heritage MootSawyer Margett
Tiffany Curtiss |
National Veterans MootCaesar Kalinowski
Duffy Romnor Michelle Rusk Sawyer Margett |