UPDATE [1/30/21]: We are now making the brief optional for 2L/3L/LLM division (all you have to do is submit an ungraded outline on Feb. 7). Registration has also been extended to 5pm at Feb. 4. Email [email protected]!
UPDATE [1/27/21]: Out of concerns expressed by the LARW professors, 1Ls (and only 1Ls) may now opt out of doing the brief writing component. 1Ls may still do the brief and be eligible for 1L Brief Awards, but their brief will not affect how they do in oral rounds. 1Ls who choose not to do the brief are asked to submit an outline and attend a practice round for oral arguments instead. See attached rules for details. If you have already signed up, please email [email protected] to let them know if you are doing the brief. If you've dropped already, but have changed your mind, email and we can re-sign you up.
The Hillis Clark Martin & Peterson 2021 Online Appellate Advocacy Competition gives participants the opportunity to write a brief and present an oral argument with a teammate. Participants advance past the preliminary rounds based on accumulated points, and the field is narrowed during the quarterfinal, semifinal, and final rounds.
In addition, four participants will receive invitations to join MCHB based on their participation in this competition, and all participants receive cumulative points for use in application to membership on Moot Court Honor Board.
The 2021 competition will take place February 16, 17, 18, 19, and 22.
UPDATE [1/27/21]: Out of concerns expressed by the LARW professors, 1Ls (and only 1Ls) may now opt out of doing the brief writing component. 1Ls may still do the brief and be eligible for 1L Brief Awards, but their brief will not affect how they do in oral rounds. 1Ls who choose not to do the brief are asked to submit an outline and attend a practice round for oral arguments instead. See attached rules for details. If you have already signed up, please email [email protected] to let them know if you are doing the brief. If you've dropped already, but have changed your mind, email and we can re-sign you up.
The Hillis Clark Martin & Peterson 2021 Online Appellate Advocacy Competition gives participants the opportunity to write a brief and present an oral argument with a teammate. Participants advance past the preliminary rounds based on accumulated points, and the field is narrowed during the quarterfinal, semifinal, and final rounds.
In addition, four participants will receive invitations to join MCHB based on their participation in this competition, and all participants receive cumulative points for use in application to membership on Moot Court Honor Board.
The 2021 competition will take place February 16, 17, 18, 19, and 22.
Important Dates:
Info session / registration opens / problem is released: January 25, 2021
Registration closes: February 4, 2021 (5:00 pm)
Drop deadline: February 7, 2021 (5:00 pm)
Brief Due Date: February 7, 2021 (5:00 pm)
Competition Dates: February 16-19, 22
Info session / registration opens / problem is released: January 25, 2021
Registration closes: February 4, 2021 (5:00 pm)
Drop deadline: February 7, 2021 (5:00 pm)
Brief Due Date: February 7, 2021 (5:00 pm)
Competition Dates: February 16-19, 22
January 25 Info Session Video
The UW Moot Court Honor Board extends a heartfelt thank you to our sponsor, Hillis Clark Martin & Peterson P.S., for their ongoing support of Seattle's legal community. Thank you.